The interconnectedness of all things...

Just a brief update on where I've been since April. I finished my 3 month contract at Aintree Hospital at the end of July 2018 and decided to take some time off in August to grow my creative business Western Spiral Art. I now find myself between contracts with the time and space for some opportunities that I didn't see coming - 2 successful art workshops, with 4 more events planned in the next 6 weeks; the opportunity to attend free business skills sessions in Liverpool Central Library; time to do more history of medicine research.

I mention this because ultimately the medical history I'm writing is one facet of my career, the slow burner, the long-term project that I will keep chipping away at while my other job roles help fund it. And by learning about business skills and networking, I realise just how interconnected everything is, how blessed I am to have this opportunity and how grateful I am to the many people who have helped me along the way.

Today I realise there are so many links and connections between people and places that have seen me journey this far. I'm sure the same sorts of connections and networks were there for my Victorian doctors and I hope to uncover them as this research unfolds.

Many of my activities centre around Liverpool Central Library. That's where I can access resources, such as The Medical Register and The Medical Directory via, that contain information on the professional lives of my 1874 cohort of Liverpool doctors. Not only that, but it was pointed out to me today that there is currently an exhibition on Liverpool Medical History celebrating 70 years of the NHS. It turns out the library has access to several medical institutional histories, such as the Royal Southern Hospital that closed in 1979. What was once familiar to the Victorian doctors of Liverpool (and is still in the living memory of some Liverpool residents) is just a vague echo to myself and further generations of Liverpool medics. It's an exhibition that's definitely worth a look and I hope to go back there with my camera to share some of the story with you.

I found myself in the library today at a 10 hour free business skills day for new start ups. Again, I'm reminded how many incredible resources there are on our doorstep. Click here to find out more about the Liverpool Business and Intellectual Property Centre, with access to advisers, workshops and events.

It also reminded me that the library played a big part in the early days of my creative business, with our first ever art workshop taking place at Liverpool Makefest in June 2017 (an event where the entire building is taken over by computer gadgets and creatives). It is stewarded wonderfully in part by the Liverpool League of Gentlemen (and Extraordinary Ladies) - our local Steampunk group - of which I am now an active member, combining my passion for Victorian History with science-fiction and fantasy.

Which links me to the second place of significance, Siren Liverpool, a cafe and event space in the now popular and very trendy Baltic Triangle. Not only did they do the catering for today's Enterprise Hub event and speak on the panel of local businesses. They also  happened to be the venue where I launched my business in October 2016, a 13-hour event which involved a pumpkin carving workshop, magic wand painting, cake decorating and an open mic night.

I discover today that Siren is also the base of The Women's Organisation, one of the partners of the Enterprise Hub for new business start ups. Siren is also the base of my good friends Hilary and David Harper, who have a mental health social enterprise called Beatitude Ad Vitam promoting health and well being across the region. They have been excellent mentors to me in my growing business (from launch, to first events, to events that haven't yet come to fruition). They have encouraged me so much. In fact, I've had help and support from too many friends and family to mention whilst on this journey!

So that's the interconnectedness for now. I'm sure there are more connections, more places, more individuals.

There will also hopefully be some actual medical research! But as you can appreciate it involves me finding the time and money to do that in a sustainable way, which is why I'm growing the business and will soon be hunting for more medical contracts. Life remains incredibly busy, very exciting and a bit scary. But as I'm reminded daily - do it scared !!


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